Odeon Travel, offers for its clients 24 hours / 7 days, secure online booking system, making it easy for travelers to book instantly.
However for tailor made requests and any further information you may need to send an email through our contact form. Our Customer Help Desk will be more than happy to reply and send you all the necessary information and suggestions about your holiday in Crete. Additionally, you can call our office, from Monday to Sunday, 08.00 hrs to 21.00 hrs local Greek time in order to support your questions over the phone. TEL +30 28310 57610
For our daily excursion programs, Browse our Tours and Cruises reservation system and select the desired dates and tour.
As soon as the reservation procedure is complete we send you a reservation voucher number to confirm your booking which you will need to bring with you upon your arrival and present it to the excursion representative or to the ferry boat reception.